"A Piece for You" will happen soon in the new „Kunsthaus Mitte“
The News:
This and more is happening in the future:
27., 28., 29. August: "A Piece for You - for Two"
A report for two people at a time only at Tanznacht Berlin. Look for the Tent and the Bike.
25. September: "A Piece for You" at Schwankhalle in Bremen
The week before we work with various people from the neighborhood of Schwankhalle. Remeber: Everybody is a migrant, even if you were born at home and never left your town.
Various teachings in Berlin and: please have an eye on my hometown Oberhausen, roumors are heard that great art will happen there in the future.
Good By Mexico - Hello Germany
After more than 3 months of projects and traveling through Mexico, 7,5 months on the road including USA, Canada and before that „Schreibstück" in Bolivia, its time to be back for a while in Germany. South America will be still there for a while until new recources are brought up … .
To all my friends, collaborators, helpers, donators of the project all over the world: if you come through Berlin, come by, you always have a place!
In some stations of „A Piece for You“ one can not make photos of the people, like in the last one in … . What the frog sits on might make you understand.
Kids of another village in Chiapas will now take part of the project with presents for other people. If you think it is too simple to be called art, then take part one time … .
Thank you and see you soon,
crowd funding
Kickstarter cancelled
Dear Friends and Collaborators,
thank you so much for your support, but I have to cancel the Kickstarter-campaign.
It is unrealistic to reach the total sum.The major reson is, that I m not able to spend every day a couple of hours updating, searching more donators, making press releases and on top of that, to entertain the needs of kickstarter and web system itself.
Momentarily it is impossible to coordinate the needs of a campaign with the needs of the project in one person.
I will think about something new and possibly let know everybody.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you everybody and greetings from the road somewhere in Mexico,
Back in New York and back on the Road
While the staged component of the project is still not finished here, the work on the streets is developing. Just today I got the first 50/50 donation by Jim in a cafe, someone I just asked without intention for the weather report of his newspaper. After telling him what I do I had 20$ more in my pocket, which I shared with Jean at 1st street green park. But the astonishing point is, that Jim didnt …
The basic concept of presents is extended with another artistic component:
Single routes and stations of the project, transferred into an Artwork, are for sale now.
The first part of each artwork
indicates the place and time of the Route and Station.
After these places are passed through, the owner receives the second part of that artwork, which brings the owner in contact with the realities on-site.
Inspired by the encounters and occurrences the artist meets there, a unique work in will be developed in each section. The owner might receive a letter, an image, a phone call, a drawing, a poem, or a series of photos by the artist and/or his new friends he meets on the road.
Click here for the list of available routes and stations and samples!
"A Piece for You" will roll again through Germany, USA, Mexico, Central and South America!
15. - 28.6.2015: New
York, in collaboration with Movement
Research (www.movementresearch.org)
June/July 2015: crossing the USA
July 2015: Snohomish, Washington State
August/September 2015: Mexico: Tijuana, Mexico City, Queretaro, Chiapas and more, in collaboration with La Macedora (www.lamacedora.org)
October 2015 - April 2016: continuation of the project in Central and South America
The project needs reorganization and new funds. Therefor Thomas is in Germany and reorganizes the further steps of it in South-America and elsewhere.
Meanwhile the idea and practice of the project is continued and further developed with presents, often in form of assistance and helping others in dayly life matters, as well as little performances and dance. Art is Life and Life is Art.
You will hear soon about the current development and results.
The huge amount of film and photo material will be worked through, as well the texts about the artistic and theoretical results.
Thank you all for your attention, the support and the opportunity to work this project,
Across the States, NY
All is uncertain if something happens with the project in NY or not, but ok, lets cross the states from Arizona to NY
People and Roads of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Idahoe, Montana, Utah and Arizona
Part 6: Coming Home … and saying good by again
you can see and read about if you click here.
People and Roads of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Idahoe, Montana, Utah and Arizona
Part 5: The Horizons
you can see and read about if you click here.
People and Roads of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Idahoe, Montana, Utah and Arizona
Part 4: The Other German, The Street Spirits and Two Stupid People Meeting
you can see and read about if you click here.
People and Roads of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Idahoe, Montana, Utah and Arizona
Part 3: Yukon and the Ghost of Beaver Creek
you can see and read about if you click here.
People and Roads of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Idahoe, Montana, Utah and Arizona
Part 2: The Hunters, Dalton Highway and Deadhorse
you can see and read about if you click here.
People and Roads of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Idahoe, Montana, Utah and Arizona
Part 1: Jake
you can see and read about if you click here.
Mister Helpful!
How is it to meet for a couple of days only helpful people? And who is the star of them all?
Click here and read about Don and other angels I met the first days in the USA.
Being on stage and perform while the theatre is build, yes, also this is very possible in Wuhan. Why and how, see here if you click.
Money is the new religion for many. How does Art fit in to this new orientation? and which risks are some taking? Click here ...
Jpan 2
On the jump to Beijing, finally the problems with the silly website seems to be solved and here are some new photos of the long stay in Japan. Below is the photo of a new friend who lost all in the Tsunami and found back only these two items from her whole house … .
Text and videos will follow as soon as … .
Japan 1
Which present is the most appreciated in Japan? Working!
This is what I was doing the last months here, making very practical presents, also teaching English for the kidsof the area, drinking Sake with my friends and cooking Miso-Soup for them. And: biking in the snow.
Check out the first fotos here:
Today just a few dancers come to the studio, because the political situation is most unstable in Bangladesh. People need hours to get from one place to another, many dont go out of the house. Who knows how the situtation will be in the evening, when they have to get home again.
One of the opposition politicians and war-criminal was sentenced to death and only on a last minute interferance of his lawyers he didn get hang at 00.01 this night, as it was announced.
Of cause, it gave a good reason for the opposition to freak out again. fire here and there, at least one person shot, still Many say all is steared and a powergame, but I would prefer if the ones in power, or who want to be in power, do it amongst each other, and dont let the population kill each other.
So, our work is a statement as well, not to get irritated by incompetent politics and do our work, making art.
India 1
As soon I try to fly, since my bike is on the way to Japan, all goes wrong and finally I am welcomed in India.
Revision of the Concept
The experience of the tour makes me thinking over the concept and the practicallities of this project.
In short, the work will be done in two parts from now on, to give a helpful structure and takes the maker out of the excessive demand of producing results, which are basically rooted in the production methods and expectations of theatre and are not necessarily meaningful in the encounter with people.
The devision will be therefor made between:
1. encounters with people along the route, not necessarily with performative results and documentations
2. prepared stations and pieces within the art and theatre context.
The theme and gesture of the gift is still essential in both parts.
Uzbekistan 1
After more then 3 months bike and rider reached Tashkent in Uzbekistan. for all the stories in between click:
The shows in Almaty worked out well! Central Asia is done. Not quite ready to get to India ... .
Russia, part two
Behind the Lenin in the background of this photo, there are the meetings with the Kalmyks. Click here for all:
Russia, part two, Kalmykia, Elista the Buddhist center, Astrakhan
Russia, part one
I meet the master of writing, Anton Tschechow, you want to know how? Click here: Russia, part one
The participants in Sofia decided to give their presents during a party in a private place. Watch the video and photos unter the link:
Sofia in the travel blog
On the 29th of May is the informal performance at "ex Staveco parcheggio/bar del circolo", 19.00, Viale Panzacchi 10 Bologna.
The one I am making the present for this time, is probably more interesting then what I am doing, but he said, that the meeting with me is already a gift: to know that such a crazy person is existing, next to him ... .
Lets see!
More info under the link Bologna in the travel blog
In collaboration with the C/U Foundation and its Festival and Marysa Stoklosa we had an event with an informal introduction in a bus, 7 presents and discussion after the shows.
More under the link Warsaw in the travel blog.
The Premiere in Tallinn of the double program of Mart Kangros "One step closer" and "A Piece for You" went well. Both works deal with relations in different ways. While "One step closer" invites the people for a dance, in the Tallinn version of "A Piece for You" the actors make fictional presents for each other. Some aspects of cause are really done on stage, but the presentee has to imagine ost, so does the audience and involve themselves in both roles. "What present would I make? - What present would I like to get?"
More under the link: Tallinn in the travel blog
Just was in Tallin (by plane, minus 12celsius there) to prepare the collaboration piece with Mart Kangro and actors from the NO99 Theatre. The first part of the work was very promising. We decided to make fictional presents on stage. The work will be continued in April, premiere is on the 17.4. in Tallinn. See more under the link: Tallinn in the travel blog.